4 aprilie 2013

Vim - The Perfect IDE

There is a perfect IDE for writing web apps.

It's called vim and you can find it within a google search.

You must know your way around, so here is my two cents for you:
Happy reading!

28 martie 2013

My Number Guessing Game

Everybody has played and/or build a number guessing game. You know, the game that you must guess the number that computer picked randomly in a range of, usually, 1 to 100.

I do not know why. The game is extremely boring. I hate it. It's like playing dice without the dices.

Well, here you have my version of it. jQuery mode.

12 februarie 2013

8 februarie 2013

10 Vital Aspects of Building a Node.js Application

Today I've stumbled upon this: 10 aspects of building a node.js application.

I'm not really a node.js application, but the aspects are a little bit universal thank I tought at first. There are key aspects there worth to read and keep in mind when writing any web app.

Thank you for your time.

A New Episode!

Over here: the JavaScript Show.

Dynamic Links List with jQuery

Welcome! I've just finished a cool item grid list (perhaps images, perhaps links) dynamically generated with jQuery.

This is how it looks like: http://pancake.io/19c56e/cool-list/index.html.

Sorry, no frame, I can't really figure it now why embedded code isn't working.